Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pacific Rim Review

I have seen "Pacific Rim". 

Here is my capsule review: Big bada boom.

Here is the longer review: Dude, if you like big ass robots fighting big ass fishy, rocky monster thingies, then MAN is this movie for you!!!  So big!  So much crashing and banging and smashing and wow!

There was a kinda story-ish thing going on, too.

In this world, the giant monsters have been attacking the earth for a while so the people made giant robot mecha things in order to fight the giant monsters.  Unfortunately, the monsters just keep coming and each time they are bigger and stronger.  So, the people decide to try one last-ditched effort to destroy the monsters.

Some there are relationships built and destroyed.  People die.  People love.  You know how it is.

But NONE of that is important because there are giant robots fighting giant monsters and THAT is what you are paying for.

Some critics thought it was too loud.  I disagree.  I saw "Pacific Rim" in XD ginormousness with humungo sound and speakers and I thought it was ok.  Hell, "Dark Knight Rises" was louder (apparently Batman and Bane hit harder than an 80-foot tall robot).

Seriously, if you like a good summer blockbuster-type movie where you can just sit back and watch some cool robot fights, this is your thing.  If you like, the Japanese-style mecha shows, this is right up your alley, too.

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